Pro Car Care

mechanic shop lake charles la

Diagnostic Services Lake Charles, LA

Offering professional automotive repair in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas.

Pro Car Care has been servicing the citizens of Lake Charles and the surrounding areas for over 35 years. We take pride in being able to offer expert mechanical services backed by years of experience. Our team offers a large variety of services  from normal routine diagnostic services to complete engine repair.

Want to know one of the easiest and quickest inspections you can get for your vehicle? Growing increasingly important as vehicles continue advancing in technology. A diagnostic test for your car or truck typically take less than an hour. These test are meant to scan your car’s components and systems to check for issues with components like the engine, transmission, oil tank, throttle, and many more. 

As vehicle become more and more advanced parts that could once be replaced by hand are now monitored and controlled by the electronic inside your vehicle. Often times if your vehicles electronic center needs to be updated your vehicle will fail to preform at 100%.

The professional team at Pro Car Care is equipped with the tools required to preform a diagnostic test on your vehicle’s electronic system. Because car diagnostic tests require specific devices and expertise to read correctly, most tests are performed by mechanics. 

Contact Pro Car Care today to schedule a diagnostic test.

A car diagnostic test provides a quick and accurate assessment of your vehicle, technicians will scan your vehicles onboard computer, document any trouble codes that are detected during the check.

How Much Does a Full Car Diagnostic Cost?

Diagnostic Test typically won’t break the bank. Because diagnostic test check so many different components inside your vehicle the cost can spike in price if issues are found. Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, along with the rarity of certain parts prices can range drastically.

Pro Car Care recommends running a diagnostic test on your vehicle at least one a year or every other year. Routine inspections can call attention to early signs of ware and tear on vehicle parts; catching issues before they become worse.

Contact Pro Car Care today and keep your vehicle preforming at 100%.