Pro Car Care

mechanic shop lake charles la

Truck Repair Shop Lake Charles, LA

Offering professional automotive repair in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas.

ProCar Care handles vehicle repairs of all makes and models. Our team of skilled mechanics know exactly which areas to check and what to look for during vehicle inspections. Catching early warning signs on your car or truck can save your the expense of costly repairs in the future. ProCar Care handles all varieties of car repairs and truck repairs in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas. Our team has been servicing the community for over 5 years.

Domestic truck repairs are our specialty, but here at ProCar Care we don’t like to limit ourselves. Servicing large commercial cars, trucks, and vans that come in needing repairs. We handle basic inspections, maintenance checks, tire rotations and much more. Our team highly recommends routine maintenance when it comes to your car and truck.

Repairs on any vehicle can be costly. Especially if they’re unexpected. ProCar Care offers affordable pricing and can work with you around your schedule for the best time to bring your vehicle in for repairs. Your one stop truck repair shop in Lake Charles. Contact ProCar Care today to schedule inquire about pricing, available parts, repairs, and more!

Proper vehicle maintenance is recommended by all mechanic shops. Its during routing maintenance inspections, oil changes , and diagnostic tests that mechanics are able to check your vehicle over for any problem areas that could lead to expensive repairs or replacements.

Truck Repair Shop Pricing and Preventative Measures

ProCar Care recommends at least yearly maintenance inspections on your vehicle. These are simple and quick, often adding only a few minutes onto your already scheduled oil change or tire rotation. These routine inspections are ideal for checking the condition of your car or truck.

Truck Repairs can be costly  with prices often determined by which part or parts are needing to be repaired or replaced. Prices are affected by cost of labor, rarity of required part, and make and model of your vehicle. Our team at ProCar Care are highly experienced in inspecting and diagnosing vehicles in order to pinpoint  problem areas.

Some ProCar Care tips for proper vehicle preventative measures include:
• Routine Oil Changes
• Checking Your Spark Plugs
• Examining Hoses and Filters
• Careful Inspection of Brakes and Engine Condition.