Pro Car Care

mechanic shop lake charles la

Tire Shop Lake Charles, LA

Pro Car Care is your one stop tire shop. We offer, tire repair, patches, alignments, and more!

Tires keep your vehicle moving. You can have a completely perfect engine, but without tires your vehicle simply won’t move. Thankful vehicles typically come with tires, but even over time these may ware down or spontaneously acquire a hole. ProCar Care has been servicing Lake Charles and the surrounding areas for over 5 years. We know just how frustrating tire repairs can become. Our team of mechanics handle tire shop services daily. With tire rotations and alignments recommended yearly.

ProCar Care offers complete tire shop services that fit into your schedule. We know everyone travels differently. With some people using their vehicle mostly for errands and too and from work. While other people enjoy taking long trips that put a lot of ware and tear on their tires quite quickly. Scheduling a tire rotation or alignment  with ProCar Care will allow our team of mechanics to alert you when it’s time to start considering new purchasing new tires.

Contact ProCar Care today to learn how to schedule an inspection or repair today!


Patches can last anywheres of up to 5-10 years. If done properly a correct patch can last you a long time. ProCar Care recommends never having multiple patches in the same tire due to increased uneven ware on your tires and difficult maintaining speed rates.

How Much Does It Cost To Repair A Tire?

Patches shouldn’t be your first thought when it comes to repairing your tire. Patches are only good for a one time solution per a tire. These quick patches are also not as simple as you may think. Depending on where the nail or hole is located on your tire will determine if a patch is even possible. Not all patches are created equal, with often times the type of patch determined on the placement on the tire, along with tire brand.

Large areas of damage simplify cannot be safely patched and will often require the purchase of a new tire. Tire punctures that occur within 2 inches of the sidewall are considered non-repairable.

If your tire is able to be patched it will cost you anywhere between $40-$60. This price is determined by how many patches you need, and the cost of labor. Patches normally take anywhere between 15-20 minutes , add on a tire rotation afterwards and your looking at another 5-10 minutes. Tire rotations are recommended any time you remove the tire from its rim.

Need to get your tire patched or replaced?Curious to know about our pricing or other services? 

Contact ProCar Care today to schedule an appointment. (337)555-5555