Pro Car Care

mechanic shop lake charles la

Tire Repair Shop Lake Charles

Offering professional automotive repair in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas.

Pro Car Care offers professional tire repair shop services in the Lake Charles area and surrounding communities. Tire patches, plugs, alinements and rotations are simple but important to the continued health of your vehicle. Our team of experienced mechanics are trained to handle all vehicles makes and models

Tire repair services cover more than just your rubber tires. It can also refer to rim inspection, repair and axis inspection. All these parts require frequent checking and maintenance. Pro Car Care often recommends getting into the habit of walking around your vehicle after each stop. Getting into this routine allows you to do a quick check for tires with low pressure, any newly acquired nails or screws, or even debris around your tire that could cause punctures if run over. Doing a once around your vehicle, even if just once a day is a great preventative measure. 

Scheduling tire repair shop services or alignment with Pro Car Care will allow our team of mechanics to alert you when it’s time to start considering new purchasing new tires.

Contact Pro Car Care today to learn how to schedule an inspection or repair today!

If there are multiple punctures, you can get the tire repaired if they're at least 16 inches apart. Otherwise, it's time to buy a new one. If the tire has sustained serious damage in an accident such as big cuts or tread separation should be replaced instead of being repaired due to safety concerns

How Much Should It Cost To Patch a Tire?

Patches shouldn’t be your first thought when it comes to repairing your tire. Patches are only good for a one time solution per a tire. These quick patches are also not as simple as you may think. Depending on where the nail or hole is located on your tire will determine if a patch is even possible. Not all patches are created equal, with often times the type of patch determined on the placement on the tire, along with tire brand.

Large areas of damage simplify cannot be safely patched and will often require the purchase of a new tire. Tire punctures that occur within 2 inches of the sidewall are considered non-repairable.

If your tire is able to be patched it will cost you anywhere between $40-$60. This price is determined by how many patches you need, and the cost of labor. Patches normally take anywhere between 15-20 minutes , add on a tire rotation afterwards and your looking at another 5-10 minutes. Tire rotations are recommended any time you remove the tire from its rim.

Need to get your tire patched or replaced? Curious to know about our pricing or other services? 

Contact Pro Car Care today to schedule an appointment.